
2024: 27 sept. - 29 sept. Symposium Ratzeburg/Schleswig-Holstein (D)
In a "gasthaus" in the centre of Ratzeburg presentations will take place.
From here we will visit sites of former Cistercian and other monesteries.

2021: 1 okt. - 3 okt. Symposium Güstrow/Mecklenburg (D)
In a "gasthaus" in the centre of Güstrow presentations will take place.
From here we will visit sites of former Cistercian and other monesteries.

2018: 14 - 16 sept.
Symposium in Kloster Averbode (B)
In Averbode (Belgium) we will spend the night an have catering. There will also be the presentations and from there we will visit Cisterian monasteries: Westmalle, Herkenrode, and some others.
Pictures symposium and sightseeing.

2015: 25 - 27 sept. Symposium in Bierzwnik / Marienwalde - Pommern (P)
The effects of the Cistercian monasteries on their regional environment for religion, culture and economy.
Pictures symposium and sightseeing.

The community of Bierzwnik is our host. In 1294 the monastery of Marienwalde was founded, now over 720 years ago! Thus we are in a region at the Baltic Sea which has been strongly influenced by the action of the Cistercians in recent centuries, we will be able to experience this great past this weekend ourselves. We have the opportunity to visit places of major former Cistercian monasteries in Pomerania: Bierzwnik/Marienwalde, Recz, Kolbacz, Marianowo/Marienfließ. We will get to know their current situation, their perspectives and talk about them. Registrations by friday, 17th July, 2015 at the latest.

2012: 12 - 14 okt. Symposium in Werbellinsee (D)
The books of the Cistercians - Tradition of culture and spirituality
Pictures symposium and sightseeing.
(Werbellinsee, Joachimsthal, Parstein, Chorin, Zehdenick, Lindow).

2012: 24 febr. - 26 febr. : Meeting Bad Doberan (D)
Pictures meeting and sightseeing.

2010: 8 okt. - 10 okt. : Symposium in Waren (D)
an der Müritz
Health care and cloistral medical science of the Cistercians.
Pictures symposium and sightseeing.
(Waren, Heiligengrabe, Malchow, Stolpe, Eldena)

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